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HTSS digitizes medium and large companies in Europe, with over 1000 customers in 11 countries

Mar 31, 2022, 1:02:45 PMPress release by HTSS

HTSS digitizes medium and large companies in Europe, with over 1000 customers in 11 countries
Photo: Bogdan Dumitrescu, HTSS CEO


The COVID-19 pandemic has put unprecedented pressure on the medical infrastructure. As a result, healthcare institutions have had to accelerate the process of digitizing and automating their services and facilities offered to the public. In this context, HTSS, an ICT company specialized in providing business software services, also ended 2021 on an upward trend, with a turnover of 27.7 million euros.

For 2022, we expect a 20% increase in turnover. This forecast is supported by investments of over 5.5 million euros, of which 4.6 million euros will be used exclusively for the development of our own products. Also, one of our company’s business objectives is to expand the portfolio of clients, from different geographical regions and industries. At present, HTSS serves over 1,000 customers in 11 Central and Western European countries.

New developments for the future

“We know how fierce the competition is in our field of activity. That is why, in the next period, we will focus on developing Cloud and SaaS (Software as a Service) products and hiring more members in our team ( up to 50%), thus reaching a number of 600 employees. HTSS solutions are versatile and can be implemented quickly and easily with customers with over 100 employees, from industries such as healthcare, retail, logistics or finance ", says Bogdan Dumitrescu, CEO of High-Tech Systems & Software.

Among the most popular HTSS products are shiftin, mindclass, pharmaceutical, telemedicine or omnimedic.

shiftin - automatic work shifts planning software 

Whether we are talking about retail, healthcare, logistics or heavy industry, work shift scheduling is a chore for any responsible manager. With shiftin, this task is easy to accomplish allowing managers to save up to one workday each week. In addition to the automatic scheduling of work shifts and finding solutions for situations in which more than one employee is absent (leave of absence, maternity leave, medical problems, etc.) shiftin provides detailed reports on employee performance, while automatically implementing and adapting to the labor laws of the country in which it is used. 

mindclass - e-learning platform

Continuing education for employees is essential for increasing productivity and, at the same time, for their better retention. Through the mindclass platform, employees have immediate access to all the company's educational materials, but also to online libraries with a wide range of courses run by partners. Thus, mindclass streamlines the training process within companies and, at the same time, provides human resources departments with a constantly updated overview of the level of training of employees. The mindclass team can conduct video courses using artificial intelligence, starting from an existing PPT / DOCX, this process being a differentiator in the market.

HTSS and Pharmacy Management

One of the most popular HTSS products is Pharmaceutical - a software solution designed and developed specifically for the management of a pharmacy unit or chain. Customers can manage the company using the "Head Office" modules, which contain information on contracts with suppliers, stocks and prices, and "Pharmacies", which includes data on orders and invoices issued, prescriptions issued, stocks available and necessary, as well as various working protocols. 

telemedica - a HTSS solution for telemedicine 

Both patients and doctors benefit from telemedicine services on any device. Constant access to medical history, appointment management, online consultations, healthcare and real-time notifications are just some of the features of our platform. Our telemedicine service is in high demand by medical institutions in the country and abroad.

omnimedica - medical software solution

Omnimedica gives users extensive control over how specialists and resources are used in the medical act. The platform is intuitive and agile, which gives increased flexibility in efficient and fast management of staffing challenges, performance and quality of medical services. 

HTSS’ goal for this year is to enter the markets in Northern Europe, by building strong business relationships with the right partners, in an enabling environment for the implementation of digital services of excellence. 

"We have a budget for major investments in developing our own products and entering new markets. From the very beginning, our goal was to support the companies' efforts in terms of digitizing the business, with all the benefits that flow from it, from streamlining procedures to increasing the quality of services and, implicitly, the profit of our customers. By analyzing their number and, especially, the high degree of retention, we realize that we managed to meet the objectives set together with our partners. Today, we manage to have a strong position in this global market of digital solutions for businesses alongside with the biggest international players in the field, such as SAP or Oracle, so that the accelerated development of the company is a natural consequence of our work and results so far, adds Bogdan Dumitrescu. 


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