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Bulgarian Fintech Association to hold public discussion on new European Strategy

Jun 12, 2020, 9:18:12 AMPress release by BFA
The BFA, in collaboration with the European Commission (EC), organizes an online event – public discussion on the new European Strategy for Digital Finance/Fintech Action Plan. The event will take place on 16th June, from 10 AM – 4 PM, and will gather key stakeholders, both from the public and private sectors of the Fintech ecosystem in Bulgaria. Participants in the event are the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria, the EC, Financial Supervision Commission, Bulgarian National Bank, Sofia University,
Foundation “Financial Literacy Initiaitve”, Borica, Mastercard as well as Paysera, Paynetics, LogSentinel, myPOS, Iuvo, Postbank, Raiffeisenbank, etc. The main purpose of this event is to create a possibility for Fintech key stakeholders to share their perspective and opinion on the future of Digital Finance within the EU.

Bulgarian Fintech Association to hold public discussion on new European Strategy
Valeri Potapova/

To attend the event, register for free here:

More about the event:

This March the EU Commission started the Digital Finance Outreach 2020 initiative, a public discussion in a form of a series of events organized, in collaboration with the Member States on fintech and digital innovation in the financial sector to prepare the new EU Digital Finance Strategy/ Fintech Action Plan. The main purpose of the events is to present the best practices and experiences of Fintech key stakeholders around the EU and thus, provide them with the possibility to shape the future EU Digital Finance policies.

The initiative started on 13th February but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it was transformed into a series of online events. So far, National Events were held by Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Lithuania, Romania, etc. During these National events, we have seen participants such as ministers, regulators, banks, and all other Fintechs, who expressed their opinion on the future shape of the Digital Finance legislation and the development of the sector in the EU.

Тo organise this event in Bulgaria EU Commission partners with the Bulgarian Fintech Association. Through this national event, open to the Fintech key stakeholders in the country, the Bulgarian Fintech ecosystem will have the opportunity to navigate the legislation of the EU Fintech sector. In addition, the Bulgarian National Event will once again strengthen the Bulgarian position as a country with a priority to develop digital finance and become a regional Fintech Hub.

The programme of the event includes panel discussions and open space for speeches of all key stakeholders, from large organizations like banks and regulators to small Fintech start-ups and medium enterprises. Participants in the event are the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria, the EC, Financial Supervision Commission, Bulgarian National Bank, Sofia University, Foundation “Financial Literacy Initiaitve”, Borica, Mastercard as well as Paysera, Paynetics, LogSentinel, myPOS, Iuvo, Postbank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.

To attend the event, register free of charge below:


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