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Romania gains traction as near-sourcing destination – Maersk

May 10, 2024, 3:29:16 PMArticle by Bogdan Todasca
May 10 (SeeNews) - Recent disruptions along key shipping routes coupled with increased costs have exerted pressure on the trade of goods, with Romania emerging as an attractive near-sourcing option, global integrated transport and logistics company A.P. Moller - Maersk said.

Romania gains traction as near-sourcing destination – Maersk

As peripheral European destinations near major markets gain traction in the context of a shift towards near-sourcing and nearshoring, Romania stands out as especially attractive due to its strategic location and its accession to the Schengen area coupled with promising economic prospects, Maersk said in a report published on Wednesday.

“We are seeing more and more companies looking into moving their sourcing or operations to Romania, however, to do so, significant investments and local knowledge are needed if they were to develop own capacity – so they are turning to logistics providers with local expertise and ready solutions,” said Dragos Dumitrescu, head of sales in Romania and Bulgaria at Maersk.

Given its position between Asia and Europe and its proximity to the Balkans and the Middle East, Romania can enable the use of alternative gateways to and from Europe while supporting production and consumption within Eastern Europe. The country’s direct access to the Black Sea, with three maritime and twenty river ports, can facilitate a shorter ocean route between Asia and Europe through the Danube river, speeding up shipments by three to four days compared to North Sea ports, Maersk explained.

Maersk’s proprietary terminal in Romania’s port of Constanta along with its exclusive rail terminal in Bucharest allow for a seamless connection between the port and the country’s economic hub.

"The infrastructure we have established allows us to accelerate or slow down supply chains based on the specific business needs, underscoring our dedication to meet the dynamic demands of our customers and the market," Dumitrescu added.

Having gained access to the open-border Schengen area via sea and air in March 2024, Romania continues to work on lifting landside border checks and trade with its main export partners in the EU is expected to simplify. In addition to its European trade network, Romania also counts Turkey and China among its main partners, highlighting its pivotal role in linking Europe and Asia, Maersk noted.

Romania is rapidly enhancing its logistics capabilities, primarily centred around the capital, where 70% of its modern industrial stock is located. Recently planned investments include a 1 billion euro ($1.1 billion) expansion of the port of Constanta for larger container vessels, announced by the transport minister on social media in March, along with over 3 billion euro allocated for highway infrastructure. The country also developed ten new logistics parks and new manufacturing sites for electric car batteries and tyres.

($=0.9272 euro)

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