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The Editorial Policy represent SeeNews' values and standards. They apply to all our content, wherever and however it is received.






SeeNews's commitment to truthfulness is our core editorial value, which is fundamental to our reputation.

All the information that goes into stories must be thoroughly checked and double-checked and properly sourced. Articles must be based on facts and written in a clear and precise language to avoid ambiguity. Journalists and editors must be absolutely sure their work is grounded on true and accurate data, which requires responsibility and careful gathering of information. In case a published story is wrong or any mistake is brought to the staff's attention, no matter if it is a factual or a technical one, a senior editor or your managing is obliged to always issue a correction. Corrections are important and show customers our commitment to accuracy and truthfulness.




Our stories are free of bias. Comments and opinions are invaluable and are always included in articles, but it is always made clear that they are not facts.

Even if there are no comments, it IS an important thing to point out.




Plagiarism is a crime. Stealing someone else's work and lying about it is not tolerated at SeeNews. We do not copy what other agencies have said and pass it off as our own words.

However, information that is in the public domain can be used freely without fear of breaching someone's intellectual property right, such as company press releases.




Information that can possibly harm the reputation of a company or a person such as conflicts between companies/managers, negative decisions of state authorities concerning a company, leaked reports about company fortunes, etc. is sensitive and should be handled with extreme care.


At SeeNews we:


    •    Always try to present all positions in the conflict without bias

    •    Always seek confirmation of information that could possibly harm the reputation of a company or a person from the company or the person themselves or from independent sources

    •    Source clearly all information, especially that which contains subjective claims

    •    Always consult a news editor before writing such a story

    •    Always try to present all positions in the conflict without bias




Obligations of SeeNews in media partnerships

As part of its brand development strategy SeeNews enters media partnerships with key event organisers. Our obligations include covering the events with spot stories and interviews with speakers. Also, we publish all stories and interviews covering such events as free content on the wire or the portal.


Communication and coordination

All communication and coordination for an event in which SeeNews is a media partner should be coordinated with the relevant company manager.



All interviews with speakers at events in which SeeNews is a media partner should be approved by the source prior to publishing.


References in stories

All stories and interviews that cover events where SeeNews is a media partner should contain information about the event and its organiser, where it was held and where.





Sourcing is obligatory in all cases. All the information, apart from universal facts and information in the public domain, must be sourced.


Dealing with informed contacts

Journalists at SeeNews identify informants in such a way as to make the content of what is said and who said it, credible, and be as specific as possible without compromising the informant.


Reporting rumours

SeeNews reports the facts, not rumours. There are, however, times when rumours affect markets and we have a duty to tell readers why a market is moving and to try to track down the rumour - to verify it or knock it down. If we hear about a market rumour and it is clearly affecting the market, our normal procedure is to:


    •    Make sure from at least two sources that we are clear what the rumour is without spreading it ourselves.

    •    Write that a spokesperson was unavailable for comment, or that no comment was available and that we are continuing to check. In that report also write why the rumour is moving the market.

    •    If the firm or individual confirms the rumour, issue a separate news item with appropriate sourcing and thereafter include the development in market reports.

    •    If the firm or individual denies the rumour, we issue a news item but thereafter we should not normally refer to the rumour unless it persists in spite of the denial and is having a major market impact. If so, we specify it is a rumour that has been denied.


